
Gigatribe dirct connection
Gigatribe dirct connection

  1. Gigatribe dirct connection upgrade#
  2. Gigatribe dirct connection software#
  3. Gigatribe dirct connection Offline#
  4. Gigatribe dirct connection download#

Better tracking of partners versions (regnow, 01net).There has been many improvements since version3.02, especially in the ‘Transfers’ tab.You may select a group and see every shared folder for the entire group.The “search files” tool is available (You may only search files from users with version 2.52 or higher).Massive bugs corrections, especially for windows xp users.When switching to another language, the selected language is now displayed properly.Main user icons and contact icons now have differents colors.The personal message legnth has been extended.Eas圜onnect fault recovery has been improved.Folder shared with write access could receive files but could not receive an entire folder: fixed.Fixed a bug which prevented to send invitations from the ‘people’ pages.The transfer option« Do not limit the upload speed when I’m away” is working again.

gigatribe dirct connection

  • Fixed a bug with the customized emoticons.
  • Modifying the transfers options does not interfere any more with the transfers in progress.
  • The “Send now” feature is working again.
  • You may now select multiple files in the transfers tab.
  • Fixed a crash occuring when deleting video transfers being previewed.
  • connexion type is now indicated (direct connection or Eas圜onnect).
  • folder browsing improvements (faster, better).
  • folder sharing management improved (see screenshot).
  • Search new contact speaking your language.
  • Gigatribe dirct connection upgrade#

    This is the main reason why we deliver this upgrade so fast.

  • Our users generally loved GigaTribe 3.18 but we some bugs appeared like the disconnection / reconnection crash problem.
  • We added multiple selection as well for a better contact management.
  • We added a “Users” tab allowing you to have a quickview of the last connection date for all your contacts.
  • We prefered VideoLAN (alias VLC), the french well-known media player.
  • We do not use DivX web player anymore.
  • As usual, this new version fix multiple bugs.
  • The “News” tabs refresh automatically when you change your theme.
  • gigatribe dirct connection

    Shared folder loading is reduced dramatically when you connect to GigaTribe.This new version correct bugs from the folder scanning process and fixes crash issues.

    Gigatribe dirct connection Offline#

    Bug fixes (crash, offline messages order, shared folder display issue).International characters are now handled (UTF16).The “Share with Facebook” command is available from the contextual menu (right click) of any of any file you share (see screenshots).

    Gigatribe dirct connection download#

    Your Facebook friends will be able to click on this post to download the file with GigaTribe.

  • Share with Facebook: You may select any file you’re sharing with GigaTribe to post a news on your Facebook page.
  • fix multiple bugs related to the chat feature.
  • Gigatribe dirct connection software#

  • global software performances enhancements.
  • fix crash issues (Windows 7, users invitations, share/unshare new folders).
  • Moreover, we added a new feature to report user who share illicites contents via GigaTribeĬhanges for v3.01.002 Beta - v3.01.003 Beta.
  • GiagTribe 3.01.005 fixes a lot of crash issues and allows quick jackets previews for cbr and cbz comics files.
  • This version is compatible with proxys and correct all the problems linked with web saturation.
  • automatic connections issues (‘connecting’ state).
  • this version fix re-connections issues (automatic connections when one of your contact is connected or re-connection after a server restart)Ĭhanges for v3.04.010 Beta - v3.04.012 Beta.
  • gigatribe dirct connection

  • Version 3.04.013 offers a new ‘Reset’ window available from the login screen.
  • Deleting the chat history or the corrupted file fixes this issue.
  • This problem can happen when the Chat history is too big or when a file cannot be read (file name too long, corrupted file etc…).
  • GigaTribe happens to freeze after the login window.
  • Version history for GigaTribe (TribalWeb)

    Gigatribe dirct connection